Burned out on blogging, or politics?

Burned out on blogging, or just burned out on politics?

You probably haven't noticed but I didn't post for over a month.

Matter of fact, I didn't even spend much time reading other blogs.

Why? That is the question I've been pondering.

I would think about logging in, but when I went over to the computer I ended up logging into facebook and checking out my family and friends. I love facebook. It's light hearted banter between family and friends for the most part, with the occasional somewhat "urgent" message written on the wall.

Then there are the games. Sometimes I just sat for a couple of hours playing online games by myself. It became my "therapy" for NOT dealing with issues I have no control over.

I think I just got burned out on the hoopla of the Republicans over Obama's win. Honestly, I am quite proud to live in this nation which elected an extremely intelligent man to the presidency. I am also quite proud that the color of his skin did not deter the voters of different colors.

During such troubling times, I believe that most Americans have placed their hope in a man who is certainly determined to deliver. Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, the air seems to be a little lighter since the election (unless you are amidst a Republican dominated group).

People have hope again. It's been a long time coming.

I, for one, will pray for Obama. I will regard him with the dignity, respect and admiration that ANY person in the Presidency deserves.


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